Toon total war mod steam
Toon total war mod steam

Radious Units mod (General Uxbridge, Italian Vélite Grenadiers, Italian Guards of Honour) - Radious Ottoman Mod 3.5 - md1453 & BlackMailedAgain Naval Supremacy mod 1.1 (without Starpos) - Iutland Napoleons Waterloo Battle texture fix - ToonTotalwar Napoleons Portrait Icon and Info Cards (Republic/Empire/Italy for Custom & Campaign games)- EmperorLucky/JFC

toon total war mod steam

Napoleonic Total Music Mod Version 3.0 - Brigadier Graham Muzzle Flashes fixed so that they appear again! - ToonTotalWar/Williehuntz

toon total war mod steam

Musket & Cannon sounds - elements from Radious and Lochkopf Modified deployment zones Version 3 - Baron Von Beer Many unlocked units for various factions - Heartbraker Latest DLC unit stats changed - ToonTotalWar Josst grass mod (Peninsular DLC) updated - Josst Horse retexture - Toontotalwar (as gary stated, looked like they had been to a Jimmy Osmond concert!!!) Hispania Mod (without Starpos version, to play you will need the Napoleon Total factions Special Edition mod) - Scorpionet Great Coats and Bicorn Mod - Marshall Beale

toon total war mod steam

2nd Swiss Regiment added - Toontotalwar/Lordmongsworthģ2 Faction unlocker - From Heartbreaker, with some changes by meĪdded 3 Skins Green Jackets, Sharpes Rifles and British Infantry - Toontotalwar/LegofingersĪdditional Custom Battle maps (updated) - Baron Von BeerĪustrian hats mod Version 4 - Emperorbatman999īritish Naval Crew mod - Sir Chicken Caesar Saladīritish hats mod Version 4 - EmperorBatman999 (without the dragoons and hussar changes)īritish units in Scarlet Dawn mod - Toontotalwar (darkened Red uniform and Stovepipes added to units for all british line)Ĭommodore & Admiral texture updates - JFCįixed CTD problem related to sound - ToonTotalWar/Garyįlute sounds back in game!! - Brigadier Grahamįrench Italian Campaign textures - Lordmongsworthįäderneslandet Sweden Mod (without Starpos, to play you will need the Napoleon Total factions Special Edition mod) - Prolurker

Toon total war mod steam